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  • Writer's pictureAna Maria Galvan

What you can do to help!

Menstrual poverty is real. While some of the readers might be very distanced from this reality, I hope that by giving light to this wonderful company and the cause it is trying to work for more and more people become aware of this imminent need.

If you are not convinced yet- please go to Asan's website and enjoy a few reads on the severity of the issue.

If you are fully convinced and are interested in helping us fight against menstrual poverty, here are a few things we can use your help with:

  1. Speak about menstrual poverty! If you just learned about this , imagine the number of people that can be enlightened by the access to information. Please reach out if you need more information to help you with this mission, but in the meantime Asan's website is a very good place to start.

  2. Buy our products. If you're in India- go ahead and order your first Asan cup- trust me it will change your life. Go here !! If you're in Europe, stay tuned--> Asan is launching in multiple markets very very soon!

  3. Use the power of social media. Follow us on Instagram and share our posts, tag us, share with your friends. You know better than us what is the level of support you can provide through this channel.

  4. Switch to a menstrual cup! If you're not able to get an Asan Cup for any reason- go buy another one! We believe that this world would be better if every woman used one, so please join the revolution however you can!

  5. Last but not least- give us feedback! Suggestions and opinions are always welcomed- either directly through me or through Asan's contact information on the webpage.

Let's fight menstrual poverty together!

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